The "NBC McHWY.sea" file is a self-extracting archive. After downloading, double-click the "NBC McHWY.sea" file on your hard drive to expand. It will create a folder labeled "NBC McHWY". Open the "NBC McHWY" folder and double-click on the "NBC McHWY" program icon to run the program.
The "NBC & McDonald's Information McHighway Guide" is an interactive journey down the Information Superhighway.
The "NBC & McDonald's Information McHighway Guide" is organized in two sections—the "Information McHighway" and the "Information McChallenge."
On the Information McHighway, catch each billboard to discover information which will help you succeed in the Information McChallenge.
In the Information McChallenge, each roll of the dice brings a new question to challenge your knowledge of the digital revolution, NBC's new Fall programs, the Internet, McDonald's, and Cyberspace.
Macintosh System Requirements: 68020 or greater CPU, 256 color 12" display, 3MB of hard disk space, 2.2MB of available RAM, System 7.1.
Tips: To insure that the "NBC & McDonald's Information McHighway Guide" runs smoothly, turn "virtual memory" off on your computer. Select the Control Panel command from the Apple Menu. Double-click the "Memory" control panel and click the virtual memory "off" button. Then restart your computer for the change to take effect.
"NBC & McDonald's Information McHighway Guide" produced by Red Dot Interactive, Inc., San Francisco, CA.
NBC Pre-Existing Elements (c) 1994 National Broadcasting Company, Inc
McDonald's Pre-Existing Elements (c) 1994 McDonald's Corporation